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About Modesto City Schools
Modesto City Schools is a thriving educational community where schools are flourishing, and students are making significant gains in academic achievement. With vast academic and enrichment programs and services, our district operates 34 schools across Modesto, a Central Valley city proud of its deep history of agriculture and close-knit community feel. Our staff serves nearly 30,000 students and strives each day to operate by our motto, every student matters, every moment counts.
Our district comprises an elementary district (TK-8) and a high school district (9-12) unified under a common Board of Education and Administration dedicated to providing supportive, engaging, and safe learning environments for all students. In recent years, we have significantly increased the number of high school students taking and passing the Advanced Placement (AP) exam; increased overall achievement in both English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics; and doubled the number of students reclassified as fluent in English. Our college and career pathways go far beyond required courses and competencies for college-bound students and include the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at Modesto High School, a dual enrollment program that offers the opportunity to take classes at Modesto Junior College, and robust Career Technical Education (CTE) programs that educate and train students in their choice among a long list of career opportunities.
Our schools continually expand opportunities for our students, offering a wide range of programs and services that foster both academic and personal growth. We've expanded before- and after-school programs for academic enrichment and extracurricular activities, and increased student engagement by introducing athletic programs at our junior high schools, a JROTC program at Beyer High School, and expanded AVID programs across elementary and secondary sites. The learning and enrichment we offer to our littlest learners, starting in preschool and Transitional Kindergarten, includes all-day TK programs, dual language learning, and new, welcoming learning spaces.
Equity and inclusion are central to our mission. We value student voice and leadership, exemplified by our Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council and the recent addition of a second Student Representative to the Board. We also provide more ways for parents to stay involved in their child’s school through groups like our Parent Advisory Council and Parent Ambassadors, as well as through the regular updating of our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Additionally, our workforce is diverse, and we’ve focused on professional development for our employees, resulting in high job satisfaction and strong retention rates.
To foster safe schools, we have implemented numerous safety measures across our school sites and invested in creating a supportive school culture. We’ve significantly expanded social-emotional learning programs, partnered with community organizations to provide mentorship and tutoring, and partnered with the Center for Human Services to support our students' well-being. We also teach character education, emphasizing nine key character traits throughout the school year and spotlighting students who serve as a model for others.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have made significant strides in reducing our carbon footprint, including purchasing 30 green engine buses that are helping us maintain better air quality across our school sites, adding electric vehicle charging stations, and creating outdoor learning environments. With generous community support, our district has passed bond measures that are allowing us to make long overdue improvements at many schools, replacing aging and deteriorating buildings with fresh, new learning and athletic environments to contribute to student success.
Modesto City Schools is excited about the future and committed to ensuring that every student has the resources, skills, and support they need to thrive. Together, we are working to fully realize our vision: every student graduates with the skills, knowledge, and character traits essential to thrive and contribute to society.