July 1st Schoology is updating its image and with that comes some new icons and graphics. The top toolbar will get a modern update and icons in the course will have a new refreshed look. You will now be able to easily “Import from Resources” or “Find Resources” directly using your “Add Materials” button.
What is Schoology?
How to Login
What's New!?
NEW Schoology Interface!
Schoology Getting a Makeover on July 1st!
👇Updated Toolbar

👇Updated Icons

👇Preview of Schoology Course with the New Schoology User Interface

Update Your Test/Quiz in Schoology before July 1st
Before July 1st Update Your Test/Quiz in Schoology
As it is shared above, this summer, Schoology is getting a makeover! One change we want to be ready for is the sunsetting of the Test/Quiz feature. Schoology has been hinting for years that this feature will be removed in favor of the Assessments tool. And, that time is finally upon us.
But, fear not! All of your existing content will stay, and you keep using it. You just won't be able to make new content. Check out this video for some tips on how to manage this change.
How to use Schoology

In this section, you will learn how to add content to your courses. This includes Assignments, Assessments, Test/Quiz, and Discussion Boards.

Learn everything there is about your Schoology gradebook, including how to setup the grade pass-back to PowerTeacher Pro!

Connect with people locally and worldwide in Schoology Groups! Learn how you can collaborate with your peers and share resources within Schoology.

Have everything you need for the school year right within Schoology. Resources will help you keep your materials organized and share them with your peers!
Beginning of Year Setup
K-6 Teachers Beginning of Year Setup in Schoology
7-12 Teachers Beginning of Year Setup in Schoology
K-12 Teachers Using Materials from Archived Courses and Resources
7-12 Optional: Schoology Linked Sections Handout Linked Sections allow efficiency if you have the same course different class periods.
(Caution Note - setup only at beginning of S1 or S2. Do not unlink sections as it will delete grades)
Best Practices / Tips / Testimonials
Additional Resources
Ed Tech Smart Start Self-Paced Modules for Students
Schoology Course and Group Clean-Up