Updates & New Features
So you’re excited about WeVideo, but don’t know where to start integrating it into your classroom. Or maybe you’re a WeVideo pro on the lookout for ways to get your learners creating faster. Drum roll please…
Introducing: The Assignment Ideas Library!
Our latest feature allows WeVideo for Schools users to access a browsable library of ready-for-action multimedia lesson ideas, covering multiple grades and subject areas. Even better – they’re standards-aligned!
Each assignment comes jam packed with:
Learning objectives
Relevant ISTE standards
Sample outcome videos
Tips & tricks for using multimedia in the classroom
And of course – all the customization options so that you can tailor the lesson to your own students.

Educators, BIG update! Well...big in terms of functionality, little in terms of learning curve. Now you can automatically generate subtitles (and .vtt subtitle files) for any video in the Projects tab. More accessible video content = deeper learning for all.
What is WeVideo?
Why WeVideo for schools?
WeVideo is the essential creative app that drives deeper learning and student engagement. With WeVideo, teachers can create engaging content while helping students deepen their own knowledge through the creative process.

WeVideo is the essential creative app that drives deeper learning and student engagement. With WeVideo, teachers can create engaging content while helping students deepen their own knowledge through the creative process.
ISTE Standards
ISTE Standard 1.2 - Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
ISTE Standard 1.6 Creative Communicator: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Dashboard Overview
Getting started with WeVideo
WeVideo Quick tips playlist
Mastery & Inclusive Features
Best Practices / Tips / Testimonials
Why WeVideo
K-12 teachers explain why they have added WeVideo into their project-based learning Curriculum.
WeVideo and Chromebooks
See how Bakersfield City Schools uses WeVideo and Chromebooks
WeVideo - K-12 School District
WeVideo visits Richland Two School District in South Carolina to see how they use WeVideo in their classrooms